Calculation of additional course fees and salaries of permanent, contracted and paid teachers working in institutions affiliated to the Ministry of National Education. Calculating incremental fees for teachers of higher language or doctorate.
From the main menu you can switch to the salary and additional course calculation pages. You will be able to see your monthly income in the main menu after you have made your salary and additional course calculations.
Day Additional Course Hours: This course includes the additional course during the working hours.
Additional course hours at night: Includes additional course hours outside the working hours.
DYK daytime supplementary course: The supplementary course during the working hours of the support and training course.
DYK night supplementary course: Includes a supplementary course outside the working hours in the support and training course.
Additional course hours: Includes weekly seizures.
Additional course location. Daytime: Includes additional courses which are calculated non-incrementally during the working hours of the master or doctorate.
Additional course location. night: It includes additional courses calculated non-incrementally outside the working hours of the master or doctorate.